So why is this article entitled A WALK TO REMEMBER?
Nope, I'm not referring to the movie. I'm referring the walk we had on our way home. We walked from Deanne's house to Asilo dela Milagrosa Chapel. If you're living in Cebu and is quite familiar with the place, you'll probably have an idea how far we walked. Putting my health problems aside, coz I've had a hard time breathing lately when I go on long walks, I walked with him all the way since he was going to Ayala to meet up with his sister there. We had our usual conversation. He told me that this is what he likes. Going on long walks and just talking. He says he enjoys it very much. I told him about my vacation with my family and on how we went to Dumaguete from Santander just to buy groceries for my birthday. He pointed out a tower and said that he went there for a double date with his sister when he and his ex were still together. Then he said, maybe someday we'd go there. Add to the list of things to do, he says. Coz you see, me and my friends made a list of all the things we'd like to do. (to be posted on the next blog) He asked me for my day offs and said he'll try to lend the car from his dad so that we could go to Mt.View. Told him we should go coz I haven't been there before and he said he'll try.
In this scenario, we didn't hold hands. He puts his arm around me when we try to cross the street while switching himself to the danger side of the road but aside from that, there was no physical interaction. But I was having so much fun. We kept on laughing on our own silly jokes and seems like we had our own world. You know, with him aside from feeling safe and happy, I also learn a lot not just about him but more so about ME.
I told him, I just realized that I'm totally free of worries right now. That if I don't think too much, I'm happy and contented. And part of the reason for this is that I am with him.
And I've realized that with all my guy friends its with him that I'd spent so much time talking and hanging out, just the two of us. I'm not sure if all those times we dined out are taken as dates but its really more than twice already.
But when I went home, rather went to my grandma's house, he didn't text to check if I really arrived there. Oh well...That's when my dilemma comes in...That's what makes me even more confused.
Totally like pride and prejudice: give in and then take it back...
Here are the pics from Ian's phone during his gig in Handuraw!

So to end this post, I'd say every single walk I had with him was something I do cherish and remember. And I am grateful for the walks and the talk... Even if there won't be US...As long as he's there beside me, I know I'll be safe...
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