Two more days and my aunt will be arriving
Two more days and we'll be rejoicing
Two more days and I'll be drinking
a whole lotta beer and margaruita making...
Been having this whirlwind experience for the past 4 days. And I couldn't quite make out what I will do with the situation.
A guy is trying to ask me out although I'm not quite sure if he is or what his intentions are. I'd like to hang out with him and get to know him coz he seems quite interesting but I'm kept on the hanging here...He didn't text me anymore...hehe...
Next is that his(my HT's) sister and I are already friends. She told me a couple of things and I think she's trying to have me spill out all my emotions about his brother. Its really sweet of her to try to investigate about who I really am. I'm just so frightened at the thought that maybe because of this new found friendship between me and his sister, he would find out that I do feel something for him. I didn't actually tell her that I do like his brother. But I think she suspects that I do. For one thing, it was twice that when I called his house, she was the one to pick up the phone. She's quite a tease like her brother...She says it runs in the family.
I don't know if I could face him after this knowing that he doesn't know about his sister and me being textmates. I might have to tell him...HONESTY still...
It's going to be my grandmother's birthday next Friday and we're going to have a party. Yep my aunt whom I was named after: Linda, is coming home for my Lola's birthday. I'm having second thoughts on inviting some people. Or maybe I will...I've already invited Ian and hopefully Louise would be there also...=) and the other person I wish to invite...
I'm sure we'll be having so much fun and we'll be going to the beach...yepee...
Anyway, as what Trisha said to me: KEEP ME POSTED! =)
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