doyle says:
you posted your dream twice van
doyle says:
doyle says:
i think it dus not mean anything
doyle says:
we dream of sumthing smtyms cz we think of it or we hope for it to happen pro lain lng inig interpret sa dreams..
doyle says:
i think imu dream means that u became angry wd ur crush cz he dznt sim to notice u more than a friend cz naa xay lain na gnhn pero nag hope ka na mas happy xa wd you..mau na naay sadness sa iya eyes..
doyle says:
then katu si nico, is dznt necesarily mean na xa jd means na u want to find a person na comfortable ka..
doyle says:
imu dream k simple rmn, its the cycle of love...there's pain, then jpy
doyle says:
doyle says:
and guess what on that day we saw each other...when we were having our planned dinner with the Ball-Manipulators, we sat beside each other. And we were laughing and talked and reminisce on our past dilemmas on our thesis.
And I enjoyed the night, beginning with an afternoon with our team's socialization. And guess what I felt so lucky to be included in Kate's team. I mean, I'm sure I will learn a lot and I now appreciate the monitoring that Kate does on my work. She just wants me to improve and excell in my field of work.
Well back to the dinner: he invited us to his gig this coming Friday in Kahayag. I want to go to support him. And Louise and Ian also wanted to go to support him like I do. and Louise and I decided to go and made plans. We'll have to do some chores though so that our parents will let us go out on a Friday night. hehehehe...
anyway, here are some of our pics...

Team Socialization at Don Henrico's

Partial Ball-Manipulator's Dinner at Golden Cowrie

Ball-Manipulators minus Alain and Cathy with Daddy Luis and Mommy Janice
Okay that's all for my Saturday agenda...I'll keep you posted with my crazy life...
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