Well anyway, I picked out this really cool flick from Video City. Its actually Chinese with an English dubbing. The story line was a typical story but I was really satisfied with the action packed scenes of kung fu and martial arts. And the guy was cute so basically I enjoyed the movie.

But really I was more thankful that me and my dad have a lot more conversations, a lot more moments to bond as father and daughter. We don't usually talk that much but now, he asks for my opinion.
I think it started when my mom left for Tacloban to take care of my dying grand mother. I was running the household and me and my dad were together all the time. He smokes less now and even goes out of the house to smoke unlike before I had to tell him to smoke outside because I cannot breathe anymore.
I'm really happy with my family right now.
As for that guy who stole my heart
please return it back to me
don't be afraid to admit that you feel nothing for me
because I cannot wait forever
for you to be able to tell me to my face
the truth of how you feel.
Remember what I told you
that I value honesty
And it would be better to hurt the person just one time
and tell that person what is true
rather than punish that person
and having that person wait in vain
I'll be doing a volunteer work in the office by giving my spare time encoding data. Well at least we'll be paid even if its just a small incentive but its additional income for me.
I am really satisfied and happy with my work, my team and the company. I am learning more and everyday, I look forward to answering every guests questions and be more challenged with their personality.
Anyway, I'll try not to flood this blog. Its quite long already.
Take care all and God bless.
Taureans' Horoscope for the day:

Take heart! If you've been feeling unfocused or underwhelmed in the recent past, the stars send you something or someone compelling enough to perk up your interest. You might even be intrigued enough to chase 'em.
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