Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday Blues...

So its Saturday and I’ve got things planned for today…

But before that, I dreamed of this guy. I’m not supposed to think of him because he’s the superficial version of the total opposite of my dream guy…Ironic isn’t it? we always set standards for the person we wish to be with yet end up with the complete opposite. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not together…yet! But I dreamed of him…crazy dream…

Anyway, I've decided to set myself free...Free from standards that I have set for me, free from thinking what other people thinks...

He told me one time that I don't have to adjust or adapt to other peoples personality or character. That I have to be myself...Then I figured, all those times that I meet other people was I not being myself?

As of now, he makes me smile...that huge smile that would have said it all...

But there is still this big question of whether he is real or not. whether he is being true or he's just playing me out!:(

I wish I could help myself figure it out but I'm no expert in this department...

I'm still hanging here...

So for the Saturday plans, I'm going shopping with Leslie, hang out with her before she leaves for Manila. I haven't talked to her since I don't know... And now she's leaving...Why weren't we able to hang out then? Even my best friend Ivy is in Japan... Yes it does make me sad but I have yet some new friends to talk to. Like my room mate Claire...Before I go to sleep and she goes to work, we'd have this long chat about anything out of the blue. About me, about her and its good to talk to someone without reserve...Even if all the lights are out, and we're about to sleep, we still talk...hehehe, which reminds me of the time I spent with Glynnee and all her stuffed toys... I miss those times...

Anyway, there are so many people I want to be with don't know if I will ever have the time or the chance to...

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