Writing is magical. The empty page is where you start to put together the disparate parts of your life. Once you put it down on paper, you can figure out how all your plans can start to come together.

I always have this weird, sometimes clear, sometimes vivid dreams. It would leave me at awe in the morning wanting to go back to sleep to find out more of what happened. But then it always leave me with so many questions. I know I must not dwell on dreams and don't even bother to interpret them coz it will just confuse me even more and have me assume something that is in reality not there.
But have you had a dream of somebody close to you and it gave you sort of like a message that that person is in trouble or is need of someone to listen to them or comfort them? Or get this feeling that it was real? That when you wake up you'll have tears in your eyes or sweat on your forehead?
Well I have this experience most of the time and in one of my long lost pocket books, there is one ESP(extra sensory perception) which is an OBE(out-of-body-experience) called ASTRAL PROJECTION where your soul will transfer to an astral body which moves in coordination with the physical body in a parallel world known as astral plane.
Now you might ask what this astral plane is. An astral plane is also referred to as astral world or desire world. So would it mean that we have a portion in our brain where we create our own world? Its like being in the fantasy land. But the events or the people that we'd like to happen and would like to see are sometimes very vague and does not conspire to our favor. So here's where my question lies, if its possible that we have a desire world, if its not us who controls it sometimes, then who does?
From what I've understood in that pocket book, if a person has astral projection, he/she can get inside the dreams of other people. Wow, it would be cool to get into other people's dreams and give them a message so that you won't have to do it in person. But then again, it still is a cowards way out...
So anyway, I'm not sure if I'm experiencing astral projection or if someone is trying to do astral projection on me. The topic seems interesting though...Any thoughts?
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