Are you taking yourself out of the race because you think you can't compete? Your chances of winning are much better than you think. Plus, you could feel worse that you didn't think enough of your abilities to even try.
Don't I think this horoscope seemed timely or what? So here's an update on my life...

Anyway, got transfered to a new account. They say its the biggest account of the company. Some say, its going to be difficult with tons of infastructure problems, that it would be stricter compared to the other account. But then who would ever know? We are new to this, those who are not in this account only heard yet again RUMORS of the said account. So anyway, I'll be coming in at 9 am and the training would end at 5 pm. How am I feeling on all of this? Excited and frightened...
The guy whom I have mentioned before turned out to be a genuine fraud. This guy is full of sh*t...His modus: to let all the girls in the office fall into his trap and fall into a secret love affair. But you know what its all virtual...You see this guy is only good in words. He jumps from one girl to the other, testing on who's going to believe all the lies he's going to tell...God bless his soul...
No I'm not eating the bullSh*t that's being fed to me...
And what pisses me off the most is ME NOT LISTENING TO MY INTUITION AND ALMOST BELIEVING HIM. How stupid... Well I've learned my lesson... At least I didn't exert effort on investigating him... Its like the heavens dropped the truth on my lap. One of my boardmates told me something about him and then the truth just started pouring in. OH my Gosh... Its too much truth I could handle.
Anyways, I've had enough of guys...for now...
I'm going to exert all my effort in being good or rather be the best in my job. Its going to be a great challenge but at least, it would make me a better Engineer. And after watching the pop jazz competition in USC-Main gym last Saturday, I once again have this urge to practice dancing. I miss jazz, hip hop and even latin dances... I miss getting bruises because of the kneeling part or the flooring... I miss the feeling of being on top, being lifted and not being conscious of my weight because I had developed the technique of letting my body be very light. Suspension...ahh feels good...hehehe...
I'm supposed to incorporate pictures here but then dial up is kinda slow for pictures...Unlike in the office...Hi speed internet access...

chill--> crazy beautiful signing out <---