Wednesday, May 21, 2003


What is it with guys and courting? Is it really that hard to court a girl? Well anyway, sometimes we girls don’t know where to stand when speaking of relationships coz, honestly for me the guys are the reason for our CONFUSION. Its pretty hard to be assuming something and even harder to be so DENSE about the whole thing. Is it all about the signs and the vibes? Or is it sort of a game? Like a guessing game or something? Am I making sense here? Choices, these are the things that would stimulate our minds once in a while. If you have seen “THE MATRIX RELOADED” it has tons of philosophies about CHOICES. Anyway, you might be wondering why I posted this and chose this topic right? Well I was just wondering…. Because lately, I don’t know where I stand anymore. I had a hard time choosing between FRIENDSHIP & LOVE….

People, I'm sorry for the emotional outburst. Its just lately I feel so depressed...Hope someone could cheer me up...

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