Got several questions I'd like you to help me ponder on:
*Since when does being close friends involve holding hands or being intimate?FED UP
*How can you tell if a person is flirting or just teasing? Is there a difference? - just tag your answers or send me an email!

I'm kinda fed up with people making stories/gossip of what they see or thought they saw. I was never comfortable being the one in the limelight. But heck this thing in the office has got to end. Maybe I'm the one to blame, I let things get too complicated. *But would I be too harsh to tell that certain person whose supposedly "linked" to me to stop fooling around or to stay away? I have asked my friend Mylet about this and she said not to do anything. Just to let things be. I'm not the kind of person who sits around waiting for things to happen. Should I just go with the flow? If I react then I'm too defensive, if I won't it means its true! DAMN!

I found my ideal guy in one of my recent acquaintances. I don't actually have a crush on the person but I just know that if there's somebody I could fall in love with, I'd probably fall head over heels for someone like him! He' s so nice and funny. I've always appreciated guys with good sense of humor. They take my blues away, HE takes my blues away!

what else... hmmm... I'm kinda excited for our year end party...shhh.... a Manila band will be performing and I know which one! ahahahah... Till then! Gotta hit the sack!