Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm in over my head....

I'm so sleepy right now that I could barely open my eyes. But its one of those days that my body is tired, my eyes are stingy but my brain chose this day to function and think. My mom told me "You have a lot of things in mind, that is why you can't sleep!" And she was probably right because this after noon a got a whole lotta stuff in my head.

  • The GS(out account) dance for the dance contest.
  • Why my officemate agreed in one of our IM conversations that I am naive and actually praised the heavens when I told him that one of my realizations last Friday night was that I was too naive.
  • My costume for our company's Christmas party
  • I haven't started buying gift yet and am not sure if I could find the time and energy to do so.
  • My date with my bestfriend.
  • How to cure this insanity that plagues me again.
This was my post for yesterday...I wasn't able to publish it because I had to rush after my shift. I was so hungry so we dropped by McDonalds before going home....

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