Tuesday, December 12, 2006

a date with my BF!

Its a great day for me since for the first time in almost 5 months now I went out with my BF - bestfriend Ivy. I can't believe its been that long since we last talked. She went to Japan to visit her mom. She stayed there for 4 months. You might wonder why I refer to her as my bestfriend where in we don't see each other that much, we don't talk that often on the phone and we don't even text that much. But you see there is a bond between us that only we can understand. She's one of the people that I can openly talk to with out hesitation. Why? Because she's one of the rarest non-judgemental human being there is. I mean don't get me wrong, like me she's no angel. She's not perfect and she admits to it. And she's like my sister and well she is my sister. As usual I was left hanging, seemed that the time we spent was not enough. It isn't really and I told her that we should go out more often. She's actually a medtech in Vicente Sotto and she's on the day shift whilst I am on the night shift. But as what our VP said "If you don't have time, make time!"

So from now on, I'll try to make time to be with people that I care about. I'll try to make time for my family which includes my grandmother and my cousins over at Mt. View, probably bring them their pizza before my grandma flies to San Jose for Christmas, I'll make time for my college friends and have long awaited always postponed party, I'll make time for my close friend Glynnee and hangout with her before she also flies to California on the 20th, I'll make time to meet up with my college Philo instructor turned friend and confident, Maje and buy her that Starbucks coffee I promised her, try to make time to hangout with my best guy friend Doyle, make time to go out and eat dinner or lunch with my girls Deanne, Maia and Bernice...And also meet up with John for lunch or dinner...So who did I miss? Can I do all of this before the year ends? I don't know we'll see...

And gosh still got lots of shopping to do. We're supposed to get our 13th month pay today... Money, money, money...Spending it all on my family... Well I'll try to save some! I got financial issues...hahahaha...I'm not too thrifty...

Gotta end this coz we have to go home and get some sleep. Will have dance practice later...see yah...

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