What make me crazy happy these days? If you could only see me, I'm beaming, jumping up and down, welcoming every defect I can work on even it means staying till morning the following day, singing to myself, smiling while riding the jeepney to and from the office, feeling less hungry, craving for chocolates, urged to strum my guitar more than I should and of course sleep very well at night! Hahaha...I N S P I R A T I O N...

The SAP Cebu Black and White Anniversary Party '09 was a huge success. Everything fell quite well in their places and I wasn't at all that stressed even if I only had 3 hours sleep, not a single crankiness in my system. The stage decoration worked, although at first a lot of people were doubting the idea and yet it turned out to be beautiful. I was able to play the song "Love Story" correctly and danced Jai Ho without tripping on my heels. The food was yummy and no I didn't eat too much however I was able to keep my promise to myself that I would enjoy the rest of the programme and I did. And what's flattering is that I won an award - Best People - and a couple of days after found out from different unexpected people that they had LSS(Last Song Syndrome) on the song that I sang. They said I sang it with passion. The song was unfortunately "Love just ain't enough!". What ever it is that your thinking is not right for me. I was so inspired that night that I was so confident in singing the song and I was ecstatic! A special person inspired me and made me sing the way I sang it! No No No...It wasn't August...It was...nevermind! I'll take Louise's advice this time, keep it quiet. The less fuss I make over this, the better chances of fate to work its magic...hay!
And so I brought my guitar home so that I could practice on some songs since I already got my computer fixed! I also finished reading the book "Love Rosie" by Cecilia Ahern and its a must-read. And you should also try to listen to: A Fine Frenzy, Joanna and Taylor Swift while you're on it!
I thought Facebook's getting quite boring but then again I thought wrong...It gets quite interesting as days pass by.
I'm looking forward to another week of work and kilig moments! hehehe...shhh...keeping it quiet!
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