Anyway, so what happened?
Tuesday, around 11:45 AM to be exact, decided to go our HR to get my certificate of employment for my Sun application but since she was on early lunch - and here I thought it should strictly be around 12 noon - so I decided to visit the clinic. Let's go back a bit...Last May 29, my cousins arrived from Manila to spend time with us on our cruise to Pandanon Island. I stayed with them in the hotel to play Uno till the wee hours of Saturday and Sunday. Fast forward to last week, as it turned out my cousin was positive of the AH1N1 virus. I told my one and only team mate Fretzy and she adviced me to visit the clinic to inquire as to how to get tested. And so I was sitting there, telling the nurse what happened she totally freaked on me. She then decided to send me to Chonghua Hospital to get tested. And here I was thinking it would just be a swab or two not realizing that I would be confined for 2-3 days or till the results arrived. Imagine a perfectly healthy person inside a private room in a hospital without any visitors allowed. Good thing I had a book and my Ipod with me to keep me sane. The cable TV wouldn't have helped much. And I was absolutely thrilled that my friends from the office kept on ringing my room to fill me in on the juicy details of what happened in the office while I was away. Finally on Thursday, the doctor took pity on me and told me I can go home -and not to tell anybody that she actually suggested it- and that I would just do a self quarantine as long as I wear a freakin mask even in the house. What a relief... I couldn't wait to get out of there. What's funny is on the day that I was about to be discharged for not being sick, a fruit basket with balloons arrived. It was from the company... I was totally embarrassed, mortified at that but grateful still! We gave apples to the nurses. hehehe...
So what have I been doing with the house arrest?
A whole lot of stuff that I was suppposed to be doing a long time ago. And I think I'll arrange my closet again. That should keep me busy.
I didn't realize that posting a seemingly normal status in FB could create quite a stir...hehehe...
Till then! Aurevior a bientot! Hasta Luego!
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