Alright basically if you notice my title, you'll figure out that its 2 movie titles...Yep I'm kinda into piracy since I'm one of those who buys pirated DVDs. Well I try to watch those movies on the big screen but sometimes I miss em coz of work or short on budget so instead of waiting 48 years for the VCD copy to come out in VideoCity, the nearest friendly video rental store, I'd buy em in the streets...Of course making sure that they're DVD copies coz our DVD player's kinda sensitive...
Quelle mooshe te pique? - What's gotten into you? in this case, what's gotten into me?

I've been dying to watch Step up 2: The streets since my brother told me of such a sequel. Last week I watched Flo Rida's music video for Dirty Low in youtube just to get a glimpse of how the movie would go...I didn't regret dragging my mother to the busy streets of Colon just to buy a DVD copy of the movie. Its awesome in so many ways...Although the plot nothing out of the ordinary but the dancing and choreography is spectacular. Its so timely since we're on our nth week of hiphop class and even before I heard of the movie, I was planning on doing a choreography of my own for Dirty Low...I know such an ambitious girl...Now where would I insert that into my hectic schedule? Hmm... I still believe that if there's a will, then there should be a way...If you're a dance fanatic like me, you might want to check out: KABA MODERN and JABBAWOCKEES in youtube. Their choreography is out of this world! I'm pretty sure, those dancers in USC are downloading youtube videos in the net. Their steps and choreography are freakishly eccentric.
I still hadn't answered the question, in French...hehehe...Well you know that feeling you get when you hear a nice song with heavenly melody and touching lyrics, you'd want to write one yourself?Then you start writing poetry and a day after you strum your guitar and put a tune or two into your poetry...That's how I felt when I saw the movie. I've been dancing since I was like 2 years old and although there was a moment in my life when I thought I'd given up on that dream, here I am not dancing for some contest or presentation but I'm just dancing for me. One thing I've learned from my Senior Manager: Darwin, he said its okay to have tons of interests as long as you figure out which one of those your good at and stick to it. Well I'm placing dancing on top of my list. There's still 2, 3, 4 and 5 to fill out...
Now what does Juno have to do with all of this?
Well the movie is full of brilliant dialogs. Not to mention she's an epitome to this generations' highly empowered women. Its a witty, touching and hopefully movie about a 16 year old girl's pregnancy. I wanted to write a review for this movie but the laziness kicked in considering the fact that I'm back to work tomorrow and I've checked my work mail, we do have one task from our boss in Spain. Anyways, here are some write ups about this movie...
If you're interested in watching, you can borrow my DVDs...ohhh I'm spreading the virus. This is one of my many addictions. MOVIES...Can't live with out them...Till then bloggers...toodles...
Je suis fatigue. Je desire sommiel. Au revoir. Voyez_vous bientot.
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