Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

It's Good Friday but here I am still facing the computer after I've figured out why my front USB ports are not working anymore. I kinda promised myself I'd clean my CPU, optimize my hard disk, free up some space -- if its possible, arrange my folders and so on and so forth...And I have to upload pictures both in APC (Accenture Photography Club) sharepoint and also in my multiply site. We're supposed be abstaining from the things we normally do which includes browsing through the net and anything that has to do with computers. But I have no other time. I can barely open my eyes when I get home from work so I'd grab this chance at a holiday and get another part of my cyber world going.

March -- another pretty exciting month. Got tons to look forward to. One is the Diversity seminar which will be on March 29th and the Accenture Cebu Beach Volleyball Tournament on March 30. Plus there's my ongoing Hip-hop class which by the way is like icing on my cake. Heck I get to dance again and practice my craft. Yepee...I'm so happy...

I'm supposed to change templates every month. Hmmm... I hope I can still do that considering all the work and non-work activities in the office.

I can already feel the heat of summer...Another season to look forward to besides my turning 24!Argggg....Can't believe it...I thought I'd like to get married at that age but now that its fast approaching, I think I'll postpone it and would take my financial stability as basis for my readiness to get married. Of course having an actual spouse is another thing...I'm kinda working on it...nahh joke! hehehe...I'm just taking it one step at a time and if life throws me the chance to be with that one man I love, I'd probably cross that bridge when I get there!

I'm still learning photography, music, time management, people management and a whole lot of personality improvement techniques...I hope I can grasp all these knowledge and use it to my advantage.


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