Some guys are very affectionate. They would really master up the courage to show their feelings to a girl. Take friend one for example. He smiles, talks, holds the hand of the girl. Girl on the other hand only sees the guy as a friend, pulls away slowly trying not hurt the feelings of friend one. He's too forward. Gotta speed things down. If you're not that certain if the girl you like likes you back, don't be friend one.
Friend two says that if he likes a girl he would give all his time and attention to the girl in which ever situation or event there is. Take for example doing one of our objects. I kept on bugging him about a certain question with regards to one of our technical designs. He barely listens...Why? He's focusing on helping the girl he likes. Which is sweet and touching... If only the girl could realize that he likes her. If only the girl would take note of the efforts he does to help her out leaving the office at half past 12 midnight just to help her with the codes... Sometimes girls could be so damn CLUELESS... Well in this case, this girl is just not that assuming perhaps...I like friend two's style. If you like a girl, befriend her. If you can't say out loud how you feel then show it in a good way.
Friend three is the most mysterious one. He doesn't talk to the girl, he doesn't say hi and they don't interact. But then take note of the text message I have read while we were conversing with the girl. Don't get me wrong I wasn't peeping into her inbox. It just so happened she was sitting down and I was at her back because we were looking at someone's friendster account. She opened the message from friend three and it goes: YOU'RE SO DAMN ATTRACTIVE I CAN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MIND! Talk about sexy words...hahahaha... but then again, the girl doesn't seem to appreciate the way he opens his feelings towards her. Once again, don't be too confident that the feeling is mutual and act on impulse. Its not that I'm saying to be pessimistic towards the whole situation but then again...Take it slow. Get to know the person. Its not at all being SEGURISTA, its avoiding rejection and falling too hard. Believe me, although I'm not a guy, I've learned my lesson!
So far I've only pointed out three kinds of guy moves. There's still a lot I haven't mentioned. Till next post.
If you have comments, suggestions and violent reactions please don't hesitate to tag or send me an email: plum13v@yahoo.com!
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