im confused of whether i should change my template or trying to set up ym with my cousin claudette in san jose but this thing is taking so long...anyway, we still don't have our grades in ee...Engr. Calis had to do something with the grades, the secretary said, she'd lower down the passing percentage...i think because, many of us failed...i sure hope that we'd all pass...nothing much to do here at home except watch more my guitar...practicing no doubt's base which is really fast...i think and im pretty sure i still want to be in a band...the other day i finally saw the movie FREAKY FRIDAY and i was well inspired again to set up a band...problem is, since we're already in college, it hard to find people who'll commit to this kind of stuff...arrgg...i wanted to do this like ages ago...i guess i focused more on my dancing...and besides im not that much of a guitar player...but one thing im proud of doing is playing at the same time singing...mind you its really hard...especially if you'll do the lead...well im a very ambitious person...too many dreams too soon...hehehe...i miss my classmates, hanging out at the canteen, chipping in for the sake of chippy..., laughing till my jaws hurts, singing,studying at ipay's place, dancing at ipay's place with tonet and manuel, watching movie at ipay's place...don't you notice we're always hanging out at ipay's house?its like this:first home, of course our home, 2nd home:usc-tc, third home:the sembrano residence...hehehe...anyway, have to go coz i think my hair is already dry and im planning to take a nap...till you guys and miss you all...
in everything i do
i think of you
so don't ever think
that i'll forget
summer is hear
but don't you fear
coz your on mind
till evening clear...
just another crazy thing that's getting on my mind...
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
here i am again...all alone in the house...nothing much to do except sulk and remenisce...well at least i finished doing the laundry and guess what, i started painting...don't know what got into my mind, i just snatched my brother's brushes and started painting...well anyway, still have like 6 waking hours to do what ever it is i wanna the way, check out the euphoria pics leslie posted(finally) on our batch's!it made me miss my friends even more...tomorrow's gonna be verdict day for our EE not that confident with whether i passed or failed...its really hard to tell...
on my insanely controversial lovelife...
i've decided to lie low a bit...i know i shouldn't expect anything from anybody so that i wouldn't end up getting hurt(again!).trust is a big factor for me...i do trust my ht with how i feel, its just that, like any other guy, he's super insensitive, unconsciously irritating and in spite of all that weirdness, i still love him for what he a friend i mean...i think im also not ready to go into that kind of stuff yet..imagine, i have an inner child of 6 years old...who would want a girlfriend that immature?...and i still have to settle my issues like getting jealous easily and my possessiveness(in terms of people that is).and i think he's still afraid on getting hurt also...i think we better leave things as they are and well only time can tell what would happen next.if it was bound to happen then no matter what the circumstances are, it will just happen in a snap of a finger...
pray for those who are failing...that we may pass all our subjects and be 4th year compe studs officially...
the night stole away my tears
it gave me strength to face my fears
the wind blew the pain away
and held on tight till the hurting fade
i came so near
to letting go
it took a great stir
for me to know
how much life could still be
such a surprise for me
nothing could let me fall
and make me feel small
fore there's always the moon and the stars
to guide my path
even in the road of the dark...
11:39 p.m.
on my insanely controversial lovelife...
i've decided to lie low a bit...i know i shouldn't expect anything from anybody so that i wouldn't end up getting hurt(again!).trust is a big factor for me...i do trust my ht with how i feel, its just that, like any other guy, he's super insensitive, unconsciously irritating and in spite of all that weirdness, i still love him for what he a friend i mean...i think im also not ready to go into that kind of stuff yet..imagine, i have an inner child of 6 years old...who would want a girlfriend that immature?...and i still have to settle my issues like getting jealous easily and my possessiveness(in terms of people that is).and i think he's still afraid on getting hurt also...i think we better leave things as they are and well only time can tell what would happen next.if it was bound to happen then no matter what the circumstances are, it will just happen in a snap of a finger...
pray for those who are failing...that we may pass all our subjects and be 4th year compe studs officially...
the night stole away my tears
it gave me strength to face my fears
the wind blew the pain away
and held on tight till the hurting fade
i came so near
to letting go
it took a great stir
for me to know
how much life could still be
such a surprise for me
nothing could let me fall
and make me feel small
fore there's always the moon and the stars
to guide my path
even in the road of the dark...
11:39 p.m.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
The semester had officially ended yesterday...kinda strange how empty I felt after our exam in Walton's class...may be that's because I flanked again...but then even if I failed that test, I still passed the subject...I could have done better but unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to study...Well who studied? most of the people are busy with the Logic project and the ECE lab reports...anyway, got tons of plans lined up for the summer...crazy ideas...
i thought no one cared to know how i felt...
but then it seems that a school of fishes do
they tend to swim around the idea
of me falling inlove with you
they say its that obvious
but why can't you see
that I'm absolutely falling completely
i wish there was a way
to keep you for me
that the idea wouldn't scare you away
if the fishes start to tease...
don't swim away oh please
2 more centuries to go
and we'd once again depart
to another ocean of dreams
leaving the waves behind
i wonder what I'd do
after the squall had gone
where would i be
without you here with me???
The semester had officially ended yesterday...kinda strange how empty I felt after our exam in Walton's class...may be that's because I flanked again...but then even if I failed that test, I still passed the subject...I could have done better but unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to study...Well who studied? most of the people are busy with the Logic project and the ECE lab reports...anyway, got tons of plans lined up for the summer...crazy ideas...
i thought no one cared to know how i felt...
but then it seems that a school of fishes do
they tend to swim around the idea
of me falling inlove with you
they say its that obvious
but why can't you see
that I'm absolutely falling completely
i wish there was a way
to keep you for me
that the idea wouldn't scare you away
if the fishes start to tease...
don't swim away oh please
2 more centuries to go
and we'd once again depart
to another ocean of dreams
leaving the waves behind
i wonder what I'd do
after the squall had gone
where would i be
without you here with me???
![]() |
Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton CandyYou're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on. You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals. Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have. No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you! What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Friday, March 19, 2004
Here's the attendance during the euphoria party. I tried to email this but it failed. You know what to do...
My sched's pretty hectic this week...there's this project in our logic lab that I think occupies most of our time even the sleeping hours. but nevertheless, we or rather i enjoy staying up late fuddling over wires and IC's. at least now, I could feel that I'm heading somewhere in this course...still have one report in ECE so have to go...God bless you all for the Final exams...
My sched's pretty hectic this week...there's this project in our logic lab that I think occupies most of our time even the sleeping hours. but nevertheless, we or rather i enjoy staying up late fuddling over wires and IC's. at least now, I could feel that I'm heading somewhere in this course...still have one report in ECE so have to go...God bless you all for the Final exams...
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy
When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch
Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know.
From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up.
And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide.
Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
![]() |
Your Inner Eye Color Is BlueYou've got the personality of a blue eyed women You're intense and expressive - and always on the go You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in What's Your Inner Eye Color? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Sunday, March 07, 2004
just checking my mail before i take a going to megan's for her guitar lessons...what a hectic weekend...i was the emcee for the techquiz at sm yesterday and well i realized how hard it is especially when there are a lot of people telling you what to do...anyway, KARLA WON!She's the new Bb. Pilipinas World...i knew she'd win coz she doesn't just have the beauty but also the brains...congrats kai!anyway gotta go...c u all in school...
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Exun, here's your report for logic...just click on the link...okay
if you can't download it i sent you an email...okay...cge bye...
bangka nya ha...hehehehe
if you can't download it i sent you an email...okay...cge bye...
bangka nya ha...hehehehe
well we practically had the entire day without classes...we walked around SM and played some arcade at BIBO...and we're supposed to turn 20 this year.imagine classmates said that its like our brains are shrinking...nah...i think we're just having fun...honestly, i've never experienced this before...maybe because i came from an all girls school and all we practically talk about are boys, clothes and other related stuff...we never get to play computer games...all we do is write down flames or play soccer baseball...anyway, i have a very heavy feeling inside me...i don't know why and i can't explain it...and the worst part is, it makes me dread having to go to school on Monday...crazy me...
By the way, to all those who visited my site and tags, other than my friends that is...thank you very much...please tag your websites so that i could add you to my links...
Lace:does the feeling still exist???after all this time?
Plum: yeah, and the scary part is, i think it even grew stronger...
By the way, to all those who visited my site and tags, other than my friends that is...thank you very much...please tag your websites so that i could add you to my links...
Lace:does the feeling still exist???after all this time?
Plum: yeah, and the scary part is, i think it even grew stronger...
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Just a little something about myself...if you want you could copy this and post in your own webbies or in Friendster and have your own answers...Thanks to CAL for the email...enjoy reading...
* . . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue?
tongue, i don't want my nose to swell
2) be serious or be funny?
i'd rather be both
3) drink whole or skim milk?
whole i think
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated?
simple yet complicated
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels?
flowers, at least they're REAL!
6) grey or gray?
7) colored or black-and-white photos?
colored, its more lively
8) lust or love?
9) sunrise or sunset?
sunrise, more meaningful
10) M&Ms or Skittles?
M&M's, chocolates are the best
11) rap or rock?
i listen to both but i like ROCK more...
12) staying up late or waking up early?
waking up early
13) TV or radio ?
TV at home, radio when commuting..
14) eating apples or oranges?
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
15) Do you have a crush?
ahh...isn't it obvious?
16) Who is he/she?
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
17) being hot or cold?
cold, can't do anything when its hot...
18) tall members of the opposite sex?
i guess its okay...wouldn't matter
19) sun or moon?
moon, goes along best with STARS...
20) emeralds or rubies?
21) left or right?
22) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?
1 best friend
23) sun or rain?
24) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
love ice cream, doesn't matter what flavor it is
25) green beans or carrots?
carrots...(for a change)
26) boys or girls?
27) low fat or fat free?
doesn't matter as long as its edible
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
28) What is your biggest fear in the world? -
losing someone u truly love
29) Kids or no kids?
30) Cat or dog?
31) Half empty or half full?
half full
32) Mustard or ketchup?
33) Hard cover books or soft cover books?
soft cover
34) Newspaper or magazine?
magazine, more visual
35) Sandals or sneakers?
36) Wonder or amazement?
37) Red car or white car?
red, white gets easily dirty..
38) Happy and poor or sad and rich?
happy and rich...if i have a choice why not get it all <-- YEAH! :)
39) Singing or dancing?
40) Hugging or kissing?
since i haven't experienced it yet, KISSING...
41) Corduroy or plain?
42) Happy or sad?
43) Blonds, brunettes?
I'm more attracted to brunettes
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it?
11:04 pm
Full name?
Y'all know my full name
Bani, Ban2x, Van, Vani, Vanvan, Vanessa, Bane, Bastina and lots more...
* . . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue?
tongue, i don't want my nose to swell
2) be serious or be funny?
i'd rather be both
3) drink whole or skim milk?
whole i think
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated?
simple yet complicated
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels?
flowers, at least they're REAL!
6) grey or gray?
7) colored or black-and-white photos?
colored, its more lively
8) lust or love?
9) sunrise or sunset?
sunrise, more meaningful
10) M&Ms or Skittles?
M&M's, chocolates are the best
11) rap or rock?
i listen to both but i like ROCK more...
12) staying up late or waking up early?
waking up early
13) TV or radio ?
TV at home, radio when commuting..
14) eating apples or oranges?
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
15) Do you have a crush?
ahh...isn't it obvious?
16) Who is he/she?
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
17) being hot or cold?
cold, can't do anything when its hot...
18) tall members of the opposite sex?
i guess its okay...wouldn't matter
19) sun or moon?
moon, goes along best with STARS...
20) emeralds or rubies?
21) left or right?
22) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?
1 best friend
23) sun or rain?
24) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
love ice cream, doesn't matter what flavor it is
25) green beans or carrots?
carrots...(for a change)
26) boys or girls?
27) low fat or fat free?
doesn't matter as long as its edible
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
28) What is your biggest fear in the world? -
losing someone u truly love
29) Kids or no kids?
30) Cat or dog?
31) Half empty or half full?
half full
32) Mustard or ketchup?
33) Hard cover books or soft cover books?
soft cover
34) Newspaper or magazine?
magazine, more visual
35) Sandals or sneakers?
36) Wonder or amazement?
37) Red car or white car?
red, white gets easily dirty..
38) Happy and poor or sad and rich?
happy and rich...if i have a choice why not get it all <-- YEAH! :)
39) Singing or dancing?
40) Hugging or kissing?
since i haven't experienced it yet, KISSING...
41) Corduroy or plain?
42) Happy or sad?
43) Blonds, brunettes?
I'm more attracted to brunettes
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it?
11:04 pm
Full name?
Y'all know my full name
Bani, Ban2x, Van, Vani, Vanvan, Vanessa, Bane, Bastina and lots more...
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
This is for my friend who needs some sample programs for their project in java...
1)guessing game
the and must be on the same folder coz its an application. so place it on the same folder.then compile.the GuessingGame is an sure to have an html file before running it at DOS prompt for appletviewer or in an internet browser.k?
this one's for mommy leslie:
EE report
i hope this helps... till then...okay?God bless!
1)guessing game
the and must be on the same folder coz its an application. so place it on the same folder.then compile.the GuessingGame is an sure to have an html file before running it at DOS prompt for appletviewer or in an internet browser.k?
this one's for mommy leslie:
EE report
i hope this helps... till then...okay?God bless!
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