Monday, March 17, 2003

wow I wasn't expecting that John and I would have the same results on the test.hehehe anyway,I'll just make this short coz you know its finals week and unlike some people there who got lucky, I have to take the ES 18 test tomorrow...God bless to all...


Your score is

what does that mean?
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest...Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.

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About your score...
The closer to fifty that the number is, the stronger your personality is.
The closer to zero that the number is, the weaker your personality.
The best scores to have are between 25 and 40.


list of quizzes:
aim-smiley | | control | | drug | | horny
personality | | sbtb | | sensation | | tonydanza | | whore
create your own quiz!

My personality is rated 24.
What is yours?
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