Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Reason

I'm currently 23 years 4 months and 26 days old! I've already gotten my degree: BS Computer Engineering Major in Digital Systems Design and although my major is in hardware I have a job as an Associate Software Engineer in one of the leading consulting and outsourcing companies in the world. And I owe all of this to a whole lot of people. If it weren't for them, their sacrifices, their guidance, their time and effort, I would have been just another bum holding the remote control and I'd probably be fatter than I am now! (get the picture?)... So then it hit me, the very reason why I strive to reach my goals is basically for my family. They are center of every goal, every objective, every success...

When I was a child I wanted to be the president of the Philippines and I ended up being president of our first grade class. Tough job for a seven year old but I kinda got the hang of things so I ended up being public servant for the rest of the years I was in school. They say, most of those who enter politics joined because of the power. I say they're wrong. When I was an officer in class, it wasn't power that was given to me but a huge responsibility. And the way I see it, I was active in school because I love to serve. I love to organize events to bring people together, be involve in planning activities that would improve and develop people. I love working in the background and contributing whatever talent, skills and ideas I have in putting things in order and making events a big success. I had my fair share of ups and downs but never was I discouraged by rumors, critics and insults. I thought, heck they're just ingrates who weren't so damn blessed with the opportunity to serve.

And now I think I need to serve not just the community but most importantly the family who raised me to become the person I am now. They were the reason then and they're still my reason now. Its because of them that I am aiming to achieve a high position in Accenture. And serving my family would mean giving something back to the world. I owe them more than what I can probably give but then again as long as they're happy and at peace with the world, I am more than ecstatic.

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