My mom loves me around. She keeps giving me this listed tasks to accomplish in a day... And I do have a list of task from our former or shall I say current (because we won't probably change anymore) president: Fame. We're trying to finish our yearbook and since most of them have day jobs, I do most of the editing. Shockingly enough, I learned a lot from the profiles and descriptions that my other batch mates gave to each other. Pretty cool way of knowing who he/she really is. I'm quite glad I volunteered as yearbook committee although, as secretary for the last school year we had, it was actually one of my obligations. Talk about me still active in this kind of stuff where I have long graduated from college. Its almost a year now. If I remember correctly we graduated on March 25, 2006!
And so I reminisce...

The weather is intolerable. Its getting quite hot that sometimes I'd like to imagine myself in a beach somewhere, holding a can of ice cold soda while dipping myself in a nice jacuzzi. Ahh daydreaming again...
We're planning on going to Bantayan to celebrate Ian and Karl's birthday as well as reunite with the rest of the ball manipulators. I miss hanging out with them. Cathy would hopefully be in Cebu by then. Louise is already having some preliminary plans but we have to think this through because for one, we don't know the place...
and so I reminisce some more...
This was taken when we were in Moalboal...such a nice beach...I'm currently listening to UPDHARMADOWN and let me just say, I love their music. Its cool, relaxing and yet thought provoking. Thanks to this site: mackymarc
I have the entire should check it out and listen to their tunes...

And finally, my last project is to choreograph a dance...wish me luck!
Later dudes and dudettes...
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