Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to all...

I had my fair share of holiday rush yesterday. I was with my brother and all along I thought it would be easy since I already have items in mind. But then what would you do if those items are not available anymore? Panic stricken, we roamed the streets of Colon till we ended up in Ayala. My budget was off the roof! But then my brother said, its okay. Christmas comes just once a year. And besides it would take me forever to find gifts that they might like but I don't like giving. Am I making sense here? Anyway, alls wrapped and ready to go...Whew!

After two weeks on not doing yoga, I had muscle aches on my shoulders again. Our final stint last Saturday was to do this Buddha pose, the one where you put your hands together as if praying but instead of putting it in the front, you do it at your back and then bend and put your head on your knee. I don't know if you can imagine it but the one secret to performing every yoga position is breathing. Didn't think I will be able to do it but with the help of our teacher, Arwina - nice name! I was able to pull it off.

I'll be on vacation leave till January 2, so I think I can blog more.

By the way, this is the pic I submitted for my profile. They weren't able to guess who I portrayed, if they paid attention to the middle name, they'd know it was me: NATASHA LOREIN AMOS HAWLEY...Tori Amos' daughter...Got the pic in Deviant though

-busy-needs rest-contented-kilig-fulfilled-happy-

Merry Christmas to all...

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