A - Atras Bisyo - Step back on the vices. What are these vices we need to eliminate?
B - Babae -- for guys, stop adultery, could be for girls as well...-- while listening to the priest I can't help but look to my left and witness my father's reaction. He has two of the aforementioned vices and I'm not quite sure if he's taking the priest's sermon seriously or he's just letting it pass his other ear. The priest said that its hard to stop right away, to those who drink that they might do it in moderation because too much of everything is dangerous and bad. I do agree 100%. And he went on about smoking and lung cancer. I just wish my father would be touched by his words, its not mine anymore but the priests and somehow, priests are extension of God's voice. I hope he listens this time.
I - Inom -- alcoholism
S - Sugal -- gambling
YO - Yosi -- smoking
S - Simba - Go to Church. Don't just go to church and sleep, or talk/backbite, or text every now and then. Go to church and listen to what God has to say about your prayers. Most Catholics who go to church have something to ask from God and most of the time they expect answers. But somehow it doesn't work that way. You have to listen very carefully within your heart because sometimes its only through yourself that God gives his answers.
K - Katag ang maayong buhat - Spread your good deeds. Very self explanatory but very hard to do. Just be a good example. Do what you think may not just be for your own good but also for the good of others around you.
O - Ora mismo - Right now! - Do all of these right now. Don't wait for tomorrow to start changing/doing what you have to do. Tomorrow may not come at all.
Hey I'm no saint, I might be struck by one of the latter points but I have so much love in me I'm willing to give it a try and you should too...
Maayong Pasko kaninyong tanan!