What have I been doing the past days??? Didn't get the chance to blog since first and foremost nothing knocked on my brain till now. What am I to blog about???
Got a couple of news and updates:

I just finished my second session of
YOGA yesterday and it was pretty
challenging. Although the techniques were well demonstrated by our teachers/instructors
my body unfortunately had a
hard time mimicking the moves. Had to put much effort on rolling my body upwards after the push up position. I wasn't the least bit embarrassed since if not all then most of us including the guys couldn't lift their body's and do more than 2 rolling stints. This is quite a challenge for me since I just realized
I'm not that flexible as I used to be when I was dancing with the Engineering Pop Jazz Team, but that was like 2 years ago. And up to now, I'm still into dancing and believe me
I want so badly to dance again. But I have to get rid of this extra weight first and condition my body. With yoga - I'll be trying to do it everyday, badminton - every Sunday and proper diet - less rice more veggies and chocolates only on weekends I'm pretty positive that I'll have great results in due time. Which brings me to my second news...

My cousin came back from Singapore where she works as a nurse in one of the hospitals near Orchard - I forgot to ask her where exactly - assigned in the ICU department. She'll be here for the next two weeks and I couldn't be any more happier to see her. She gave me the huge news yesterday.
She's getting married come August 2008 and guess who's going to be her
ME! I couldn't believe it! Its the first wedding I've attended since my aunt got married 10 years ago. And me being maid-of-honor was surprising and well heart-warming. And she asked me to give her a hand in planning for it since she'll still be in Singapore till well August. I'm excited for the big day but I'm even more excited since I'll be participating in the planning. She bought tons of magazines just for us to browse through...Whew!
Well the third one on the list is not exactly news since this would probably sound more of a cliche since I've been going on and on about this since the birth of this blog. But I would still go on about it most especially after watching a movie that would make me think!

The captain told me: your one true love is just right before your eyes.
- rephrased from STARDUST
Then I though to myself if my prince charming is just right around the corner then he could be just someone among my
dozen guy-friends. He could be that guy across me who has shares the
same views on missionary work, takes the
same classes as I do, sings and dances
for God and has
great faith in Him and by far the only one
who calls me by my real nick name? Or that guy
whom I thought I fell in love with, who
plays awesome
music with his
hands and sings like there's no tomorrow - the ultimate artist? Or that guy whom
I experienced most of my
romantic days or
so I thought, who's the
complete opposite of me and who
used to make me feel special.? Or is someone
outside my circle, someone I'm yet to meet,
not from Cebu or Manila, someone who's
not from the
solutions workforce, someone who
doesn't belong to the industry? And you know what, not having to meet him yet makes it even more
interesting, makes it
more exciting. And if he does exist among my
previous and
current group of friends, I'm pretty sure that
something wonderful will happen in
God's chosen time. I do trust Him you know, and I've already
given Him my heart for
safe keeping. Its up to Him now to give it to somebody deserving, somebody who needs love and would most likely to reciprocate the love given!
What does a star do? Shine!
But for it to shine, it must mend
its broken heart!
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