Sunday, May 20, 2007

sometimes i hate myself for falling

I can't believe how stupid I am...I've fallen for a total creep again. Why am I always attracted to a bad guy, a chick boy for that matter? And I have to come around fast enough to forget it ever happened...

In one of our chat sessions in the office he said I might have a problem with conversation...This moment in time, I would probably nod my head on Toto's comments on me being boring because I'm such a goody two shoes.

But then on second thought, is this time too late to consider being stubborn on things like this...Should I still say "heck, if you wont like me for who I am then its your loss?" or should I reconsider a make-over?

I love being in Manila, but then with family problems, love problems, pressure from work because of the onset of competition and self-doubt due to people who also want to put me down, I would sometimes want to hide out in a quiet place and just cry.

as per my favorite philosopher: Maje, SILENCE IS OVER-RATED!

I need someone, I want someone to be with me on these just be there, sit quietly and listen to me sob myself to sleep...


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