Chivalry, according to my
bestfriend: is the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms. In my understanding, if applied to recent times it is when a guy gets out of his way to do small but noticeable acts of being a certified gent like open doors, stay at the danger side of the road while crossing the street, offer to carry our paper bags and many others. When I was in first year college a friend told me that there was an article written about chivalry being dead. And since I decided to take up Engineering, a male dominated world of college, unfortunately I was led to believe that it is sadly so up until I hanged out with Jhe-Ar, Benny, Alain, Ian and Karl. But don't get me wrong, these guys maybe gents in their own right but I had my fair share of teasing from them.
Yesterday, while riding a jeepney to Emall, I saw an old couple about to take the same ride as I was on. The old lady took a step first and while everybody was moving to give her space near the entrance, the old man was assisting her. When they were finally seated, I noticed that the old man was carrying the old lady's purse. I thought to myself, how sweet. Would I also get the princess treatment? Maybe not today...Soon I hope. Then I remember, I do get to be treated queen especially when I'm sad or I teary eyed. I didn't know that ice cream would still comfort me especially when bought by the same person who made me cry trying to make ammends. I know its so childish, that's what I told him. Who ever said we can't be kids again? he said. I know he's trying his best to meet my expectations, not as a lover but as a friend. He does carry my paper bag, not my purse (I'm not that cruel!), and if he remembers he would shift to the danger side of the road or hold my hand when we cross the busy traffic. I have to believe that there is a certain gentle side in him that needs my patience.
Chivalry is not dead, us ladies just need to awaken it from the guys. Give them time and opportunity to show us what they've got as gentlemen!
Happy New Year!