I'm pretty excited for Sunday's event. Not only will I be back in celebrating Sinulog - for the past 2 years I've spent it either working on a project or working as an agent - I am more or less participating in it. We'll be covering the event. I'm lucky I got in the Accenture Photography Club and well we have extra perks like getting a Sinulog Photographer's ID for free. Well the company shouldered the expenses so all we have to do is take extraordinary pictures. Whew, such a challenge since I'm still a beginner. Before, I thought its all about perspective and

that right timing in capturing the moment. But then after attending the Photography 101 class with Ed Canuto, I realized getting proper lighting makes a huge difference. Then comes aperture, ISO and shutter speed. And that even if you don't have that DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera, its merely a point-and-shoot type, just make sure that you have manual settings on it so that you can adjust the 3 important settings. Its going to be tough considering there'll be a lot of people in the streets. But the crowd, the heat and the long winding road won't stop me in enjoying this moment.