Friday, April 09, 2010

Beautiful Tears

I had the best tears last night. Not because I was sad or depressed but simply because I was in the company of great friends. We had a farewell dinner for Andy who's going to venture to a greener pasture in search for a better career. We began laughing even while were still checking the menu at SIAM up until we bid each other goodbye. And the flashback of wonderful memories from my college years came flashing by. I am so grateful for the best laugh I've had in months and it was all because of the reliable humor of Edu and Kathie, Andy and Lomi(Canence) and Yapi...And most people who has seen me laugh would really know that I have tears at the same time. One memory I had with these people was when we were in 3rd year college and we had a 5 hour break. Going home wasn't an option for me since it would take me an hour and 2 jeepney rides to get to my house. So we hanged out at Ipay's place in AS Fortuna(then) and watch 2 movies. After watching the movie, we then discuss the plot, cinematography and other stuff. Or if we had a test, she would just put on some music, we dance around and then quiz ourselves. And voila, we aced the test. These people are the main reason why I would attest that I love college way better than high school as opposed to the majority who would prefer high school. If I were to rank my years in school I would say college, then grade school and then high school. High school was all drama...erggg...the effect of being stuck in an all girls school...

Anyway, I am mostly busy these days doing some hard core programming stuff...I know you can't probably relate but then I arrive at the office around 30 minutes past 9 and go home 12 hours after - the earliest. I should be able to adjust to the learning curve anytime soon.

And lastly...I think...It is my feel so strongly for someone once again. It's a huge risk actually...But every single day that I know something new about him, he reveals something wonderful in his character that somehow makes him worth it. It's through discovering who he is that makes me realize what I want. I never got the chance to figure out what is really important for me when meeting someone up until now. I am praying for this to work. I am inlove and I'm terrified...

I hope I can get the chance:

-to blog again
-to strum my guitar and sing
-to dance like no body's watching
-to cover my feet with sand and listen to the waves
-to watch a lover's moon
-to smell nature after the rain
-to lie on a beach in Moalboal and watch a dozen falling stars
-to drive around town with rolled down windows and U2 playing

I wonder which ones I can achieve soon...

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