Monday, February 10, 2003

It’s 10:19 pm and I’m having a hard time getting online…. ”Patience is a Virtue.” Well I’m trying so hard to be patient…
Maia and I talked a little while ago and well you know how crazy we could get just by a mere idea. (Finally I’m online) So anyway, we were talking about our dear friend John. I know its kinda not our business but you know John, even though you’re a guy and well obviously, I’m a girl, but still I could say that “been there, done that” sorta thing. It’s just that, well sometimes no matter how much we want to be with that person, he/she is just not the one destined for us to be with. I have finally accepted that fact after having gone through all those moments of insecurity and even self-pity. But don’t ever think that you’re not good enough just because the other party didn’t like you…One thing I have learned from my wonderful friend maia, “It’s not your loss, it’s his/hers!” And besides, there's still a lot of possible honies just roaming round the campus waiting to be discovered...Right mai? By the way, I'd like to tell acknowledge the efforts of our greatly missed friend BERNICE for visiting my site... Berns, if I could only tell you everything that's happening in school right now, you'd be surprised at what I'm gonna reveal to you...but then again, its not my secret to tell...I'd better keep my mouth zipped before I cause anybody trouble... I'll try to find the poem I promised John...
Take care friends most especially those who think they're cute....hehehehe here fishy fishy....
And just so everybody know, I really really really miss my bestfriend...Ivy...I hope and pray she's doing well in school...
And hi also to my cousin you soon...
Good Night and God bless to all...

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